About Hindvani

Radio Hindvani aspires to be the largest community radio station for everyone that loves Hindi in South Africa and, globally. It was established by the Hindi Shiksha Sangh, South Africa in 1998 as a part of its 50th anniversary celebrations. After a number 30 day licence tranches, it was finally awarded a long term licence in 2002.

The specific mandate of the Sangh and Hindvani is to promote the development and propagation of the Hindi language and Hindu culture.

Popularly known as “Voice of Hindi” in South Africa, the station aims to add value to its constituents by providing a professionally managed radio station that provides high quality programming to our discerning listeners. The programming includes talk shows, news, entertainment, youth interest content, live broadcasts and Hindi content.

The station also periodically invests substantially in ensuring that its technical capacity is up to date with the latest  technology. For example, it is a trailblazer in using technology to provide audiostreaming servcies via the internet. One of the unique achievements of the stations is that all its presenters are volunteers.  They are a dedicated band of committed radio jockeys who graciously offer their time and expertise absolutely free of any charges. In addition, the station is truly humbled by the enthusiastic and loyal support its enjoys from its growing number of listeners.

Hindvani broadcasts on the FM frequency to approximately 120 000 listeners and a further 36 000 via audiostreaming. The station is situated at the Kasiepersad Pattundeen Hindi Centre, 30 Oak Avenue, Kharwastan.

Hindvani –  91.5 FM in Durban and surrounding areas and on 102.3 FM in Pietermaritzburg and surrounding areas.

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